What is a Critically Appraised Topic (CAT)?
A CAT is a structured one-page summary of the results of an evidence-based learning opportunity, and where a pedagogic or pupil issue has stimulated a colleague to: generate a well-formulated question; appraise the evidence; decide how to use that evidence to address the pedagogic issue or pupil needs (Adapted from Straus at al 2011 p239)
Draft Template for a Critically Appraised Topic
Background question
Foreground question
Intervention or action required/anticipated
Concise statement of the best available evidence/answers
to the questions
Description of evidence:
Alternatively – if no ‘research’ evidence is available a
statement of relevant stakeholder/school evidence relevant. or articulation of current best experience – by practitioners.
Include source of evidence and how accessed
Who conducted the appraisal?
How is it intended that the learning is shared?
Date CAT completed
Review date
Is new evidence likely to become available which would
require the CAT to be revised?
Limitations in the use of Critically Appraised Topics
Strauss et al identify a number of limitations in using CATS, including:
- Given the speed CATS are produced, not all the relevant evidence may be accessed.
- As the emphasis is on applying the use of the evidence to a particular setting - the conclusions may not be transferable to other contexts
- Due to the speed of production, there may be errors in the CAT
Despite these weaknesses, Straus et al identify several reasons to continue to produce CATS, including:
- Writing a CAT summarises and consolidates learning.
- Many teaching challenges are not unique and we may need to draw upon the learning in the future.
- By sharing the learning from our CATs other colleagues can benefit from this learning, possibly contributing to the development of a professional learning community.
- Most teachers will be new to the use of evidence-based practice techniques and by writing up CATs colleagues will have the the opportunity to refine their skills.
However, the most important aspect of the use of CATs is they allow colleagues to engage in evidence-informed/based practice in a time effective way. CATs in being time efficient, make it easier for them to be used in settings such as Journal Clubs or the like.
CATS are great example of how evidence-based teacher inquirers can benefit from cross-disciplinary work, and in particular evidence-based medicine. And despite educational research being messy, difficult, provisional, and tentative, there are many opportunities for teachers to learn from other fields and disciplines.
Straus, S.E., Glasziou, P., Richardson, W. S. & Haynes, B.R. (2011) Evidence Based Medicine : How to practice and teach it, (4th edition), Churchill Livingston.
Straus, S.E., Glasziou, P., Richardson, W. S. & Haynes, B.R. (2011) Evidence Based Medicine : How to practice and teach it, (4th edition), Churchill Livingston.